AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 14 CE Credits for Psychologists
14 ASWB ACE Credits
- End of Life Care and Refusal of Treatment
- Discuss ethically and legal appropriate end-of-life treatment choices with patients.
- Explain the lines the line draws between appropriate and inappropriate end-of-life treatment choices for patients.
- Dying and the Patient With Decisionmaking Capacity
- Differentiate between instructional and proxy advance directives.
- Explain the difference between advance directives and physicians orders regarding end-of-life treatment options.
- Discuss these differences with patients with decisionmaking capacity so that their wishes are memorialized in case of loss of that capacity.
- Identify the gaps that arise between advance directives and orders in patient charts.
- Assess the utility of POLST as a way to fill in those gaps.
- When the Patient Lacks Decisionmaking Capacity (With or Without An Advance Directive)
- Explain state laws that permit family members or others acting on behalf of patients lacking capacity to speak on their behalf.
- Analyze decisionmaking approaches under the three possibly applicable legal standards: substituted judgment, best interests, and the legally disfavored subjective test.
- Palliative Care and Hospice
- Explain the difference between palliative care and hospice.
- Explain Medicare requirements for the coverage of hospice care.
- Evaluate suggestions of hospice care made by other members of the care team or by hospice providers themselves
- Futility: When Family Members Want It All
- Explain legal recognition of death by neurological criteria and differentiate between issues involving patients satisfying that criteria and patients who do not, under the law.
- Explain the concept of medical futility.
- Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative futility.
- Compare state laws specifically describing procedures to be followed when clinicians view a patientÂs treatment as futile with state laws that are less procedurally specific.
- Beyond Withholding and Withdrawing
- Differentiate between aid in dying and euthanasia.
- Explain the statutory requirements in the states imposing strict procedures and reporting requirements regarding aid in dying.
- Evaluate the practice of aid in dying as it proceeds without strict requirements in some states.
- Assess the clinical practice guidelines for the practice.
- Case Discussions and Debriefing
- Apply what was learned about patient capacity, brain death, and withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment.
- Relate principles to case scenarios.
- Evaluate the relevance of principles discussed to attendee's own practice.
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Mood Disorders in Reproductive Age Women
- Identify and treat psychological issues that arise in their patient's health profile that have to do with menstrual cycle hormonal fluctuations.
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Psychological issues in the Transition to Motherhood
- Identity and treat the psychological issues that arise in their patient's health profile that have to do with the transition to motherhood
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Biopsychosocial changes in the Postpartum
- Identify and treat psychological issues that arise in their patient's health profile that have to do with the postpartum period, particularly postpartum depression
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Domestic Violence and Relationship Abuse
- Understand the different responses to sexual trauma and how best to deal with that in their practice.
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Domestic Violence and Relationship Abuse
- Recognize the intersection of psychological and psychological factors effect responses to trauma and apply this information in response to suvivors.
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence
- Identify the issues that arise in patient's physical and mental health profiles that have their etiology in sexual assault violence.
- Special Topics in Women's Health: Understanding and Treating Psychological Trauma
- Learn evidence - based and trauma-informed intervention techniques that can be used in treating survivors of sexual trauma