14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 Contact Hours
4 Hours of Pharmacology for NPs
Topics have been chosen to benefit the family physician, general internist and Advance Practice Professionals in an ambulatory care setting.
- The Blue Baby - Diagnosis & Management
- Following the presentation participants should be able to exclude common and generally benign causes of cyanosis in the newborn, and to consider and confidently diagnose cyanotic heart disease allowing for timely intervention and better outcomes
- The Vomiting Baby
- This session hopes to bring together the common and uncommon causes of vomiting in the young baby thereby allowing for the recognition of those more serious cases warranting admission, and/or medical or surgical intervention.
- The Crying Infant - Infant Distress Syndrome
- While all babies cry, those that continuously do so present to the clinician for diagnosis and effective management
- The session will highlight the not uncommon causes that may be simply dealt with. It will also describe the complexity of the problem and its management especially if simple interventions have been carried out but with little improvement.
- Communicating with you Patients - A Pediatric Perspective
- This interactive session will allow participants to reflect on their own practice with the aim of achieving a therapeutic interview as described by Winnicott.
- Feeding Problems in Infancy & Childhood
- The session brings together the multiple considerations which may lead to feeding problems in the young thereby allowing the participants to more readily achieve early resolution.
- Pediatric Cardiology - An Overview
Part 1. Acquired Heart Disease
Part 2. Congenital Heart Disease- Following this presentation, participants should have an overall understanding of paediatric cardiology, recognise gaps in their knowledge and be more confident in making appropriate referrals.
- The Recognition of the "Very" Sick Child
- Upon completion of the session participants hopefully will be able to recognize the very sick child and to institute appropriate and immediate treatment to ensure the best outcomes.
- Identifying and Managing Low Health Literacy
- Understand which patient groups are at greatest risk for low health literacy
- Appreciate the role that low health literacy plays on health outcomes
- Review a simple intervention to identify the low health literacy patient
- Preoperative Assessment of Cardiac Risk in Non-Cardiac Surgery
- To appreciate causes of preoperative cardiac events
- To understand which patients require preoperative assessment
- Hypertension in African Americans
- To understand the prevalence of hypertension in African Americans
- To review social determinants of health which impact on effective treatment in this population
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Primer for Primary Care Clinicians
- Review the role of the primary care clinician in the co-management of rheumatoid arthritis
- Describe the role of disease-modifying drugs (DMARDs) on the clinical course of rheumatoid arthritis
- Physician Wellness and Resilience: Old Problem; New Urgency
- To define physician wellness and the impact of physician stress on physicians and their patients
- To describe new interventions to help physicians cope with wellness issues.
- Heart Disease in Women
- Appreciate sex-related differences in symptoms of ischemia between men and women
- Review non-traditional risk factors for CAD impacting women that deserve special attention
- Discuss strategies to raise awareness and close the gaps to optimize treatment of heart disease in men and women
- Best Practices in the Diagnosis and Management of Resistant Hypertension
- Review the epidemiology and clinical presentation of resistant hypertension (HTN)
- Discuss the diagnosis of resistant HTN and strategies to assess the undetected causes of secondary HTN
- Use current guidelines and algorithms to develop treatment plans for patients with HTN with an emphasis on resistant HTN