14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 Contact Hours
10 Hours of Pharmacology for NPs
- Prevention and Treatment of Motion Sickness
- List 3 symptoms of motion sickness
- Describe the 3 types of behavioral interventions
- Recite 3 types of medications use for Motions Sickness
- Incidentaloma's How to approach these findings?
- Differentiate the different sites of incidentalomas
- Explain the work up for Thyroid , Pulmonary and Pituitary Incidentalomas
- List the 3 Red flags related to Thyroid, Pulmonary and Pituitary findings
- Hey Doc ! By the way : Common OTC treatment of every day Dermatologic Problems In daily Practice
- Describe 3 most common skin complaints in the office setting
- List 3 over the counter treatments that are used for these skin conditions
- Common Knee and shoulder complaints in the office setting : how to give injections to treat knee and shoulder complaints
- Demonstrate a rapid shoulder and knee exam
- List the contraindications to a steroid injection
- Use of the Medical Interpreter to maximize the office visit
- Describe at least 5 tips for using a medical interpreter
- List 3 Medical Interpreter Resources
- Explain at least 2 benefits of using a trained interpreter
- Current Guidelines on the evaluation of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Describe what constitutes and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- List the 3 main risk factors for AAA
- Apply the screening requirements for AAA
- Efficacious use of antiemetics in the office setting
- List the 3 primary neurotransmitters involved in nausea and vomiting
- Discuss the 4 categories of antiemetics used in the ambulatory
- Update on U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations
- Review of the new USPSTF recommendations for cervical & prostate cancer screening, behavioral counseling for healthful diet and physical activity, obesity screening
- How to create outpatient antibiotics stewardship program
- Grasp the necessary steps to establish Stewardship program through reviewing the core elements, CDC recommended interventions and implementation strategies.
- Adult Immunization Update
- Discuss adult immunization recommendations with emphasis on Zoster (shingles) vaccine, Human Papilloma Virus, pneumococcal vaccine and influenza vaccine.
- Update on Hypertension Guidelines
- Compare various hypertension guidelines & Identify best practices for implementation of key recommendations.
- Appropriate choice of drugs in type 2 diabetes
- Evaluate the various available choices of different classes of anti-diabetic treatment & how appropriately one can choose for each patient
- Management of Hyperlipidemia for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
- Set a practical approach to evaluate hyperlipdemia cardiovascular risks and setting proper plan in management
- Update on current CDC guidelines for screening & treatment of STD
- Discuss ways to take sexual history ,screen and treat common STD