AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 14 CE Credits for Psychologists
14 ASWB ACE Credits
1 MOC (Part II) points in the American Board of Pediatrics' (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program
14 CE Credits for Psychologists
9 Hours of Pharmacology for NPs
- Everything you wanted to ask a developmental pediatrician, almost
- Upon completion of this session participants should be able to summarize the basic distinctions between developmental pediatricians, psychologists and child psychiatrists.
- Autism: A Case Based Presentation (Early Identification)
- Upon completion of this session participants should be able to describe the basic characteristics in young children on the autistic spectrum.
- ADHD: Treatment Protocol for Primary Care Providers
- Upon completion of this session participants should be able to manage and follow children with ADHD.
- Preschool ADHD
- Upon completion of this session participants should be able to employ a number of interventions to assist young children with ADHD
- Sleep Problems in Kids
- Upon completion of this session participants should be able to apply this knowledge to assist parents in assuring safe and restful sleep for their children.
- Kids who are Mad, Kids who are Sad, Kids who are Bad
- Upon completion of this session participants will be able to recognize common behavioral challenges in children.
- Pediatric Feeding Disorders: A New Conceptualization
- Upon completion of this session participants will be able to recognize the diverse etiologies of feeding disorders in children and manage the appropriate referrals.
- Global approach to Child Psychiatry Diagnosis and Pharmacology (when to use a medication)
- Be able to identify three primary reasons for starting a medication for mood or behavior
- Identify what is the difference between a variant behavior/mood and a child mood or behavioral diagnosis.
- Treating Anxiety Disorders in the Busy Pediatric Practice
- Objective: List 3 classes of medication commonly prescribed to treat childhood anxiety.
- Describe appropriate use of "home bound" with mood disorders .
- Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), Medications for Aggression
- List three DSM V diagnostic criteria for DMDD and list three common treatments for DMDD
- Become aware of the TRAY guidelines for aggressive youth.
- Bipolar Disorder in Youth/Mania! Medications for Mania
- List four of seven criteria for child mania in a developmentally appropriate context.
- List three medications effective in childhood mania.
- Treating Depression in the fast Paced Pediatric Office
- List three appropriate target symptoms that SSRI's address when treating childhood depression.
- Be able to understand why you choose one SSRI over another when treating childhood depression.
- SPECIAL TOPICS for the Pediatric Prescriber: "Cutting, Encopresis, School Refusal, and OCD".
- Develop a treatment approach for self-harm, encopresis, school refusal and OCD.
- List three medications FDA approved in children for OCD.
- Adolescent Brain Development: WHAT'S NEW!
- Describe our current/new understanding of the adolescent phase of brain development.