14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 Contact Hours
- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - How can I help my Patients?
- Describe the pathogenesis and the diagnostic process in PMS.
- Describe the natural history and prognosis of PMS.
- Discuss the evidence for current treatment of PMS.
- Apply the latest recommendations on how to manage PMS effectively.
- High Risk Pregnancy: Doctor - what about my future health?
- Discuss recent recommendations for follow-up and intervention in women who had high-risk pregnancy conditions such as preeclampsia/eclampsia, fetal intrauterine growth restriction, and gestational diabetes.
- Detect the long-term consequences of these high-risk pregnancy conditions.
- Describe possible future health problems of offspring from high-risk pregnancies according to the Barker hypothesis.
- Assess the importance of continuous blood pressure monitoring, glucose and lipid profile levels, and weight reduction programs for specific high-risk pregnancies.
- Diabetes in pregnant women and beyond
- Differentiate the different types of diabetes during pregnancy.
- Discuss the latest evidence-based recommendations for medical measures before pregnancy in a known diabetic patient.
- Apply appropriate management of diabetes during pregnancy, delivery, and post-partum.
- Discuss different management options for gestational diabetes and pre-gestational diabetes.
- Apply evidence-based treatment options using the latest technological advances in insulin pumps and continuous glucose sensors.
- Infertility - Basic evaluation of the couple
- Describe the basic diagnostic steps and treatment options for infertile patients.
- Discuss the preliminary evaluation needed for male, female, and unexplained infertility.
- Apply an up-to-date, structured evaluation using various fertility tests and treatment options based on medical findings.
- Explain infertility causes to patients and assist them in decision-making to achieve their goal of having a baby.
- Sexual problems - How can I help my patients?
- Differentiate various common causes of both female and male sexual problems.
- Discuss the latest recommendations for treating sexual dysfunction.
- Apply a structured, comfortable evaluation of sexual dysfunction.
- Determine when to refer patients for further evaluation and treatment by a psychological therapist or sexologist.
- Chronic pelvic pain - A practical approach
- Discuss recent recommendations for evaluating chronic pelvic pain.
- Apply an evaluation plan in a structured manner.
- Assess female chronic pelvic pain using noninvasive and invasive diagnostic procedures.
- Describe and apply appropriate therapy based on diagnosis.
- Women's Cardiovascular Problems - How can I help my patients?
- Discuss recent recommendations for evaluating women's cardiovascular problems.
- Apply an evaluation plan methodically.
- Promote female cardiovascular health through preventive measures and diagnostic procedures.
- Describe and apply appropriate therapy based on diagnosis.
- Toxicology/Poisonings: What's Old and What's New
- Review the fundamentals of examining and diagnosing poisoned patients.
- Discuss appropriate strategies for managing common toxicologic emergencies.
- Analyze common and interesting cases of poisoned patients in the emergency department.
- Discuss emerging recreational drugs of abuse.
- Vertigo: I'm So Dizzy, My Head Is Spinnin'
- Describe common presentations of peripheral and central vertigo.
- Review provocative testing to differentiate between benign vertigo and serious central vertigo.
- Explore a systematic approach to patients presenting with vertigo.
- Syndromes you can't afford to miss
- Discuss rare but potentially dangerous syndromes that must be recognized.
- Describe the pattern-recognition approach to diagnosing these conditions.
- Explore cases where patients present with these syndromes.
- Emergencies in Hematology and Oncology: Heme Horrors and Oncology Uh Ohs
- Discuss common but complex hematologic emergencies.
- Discuss common but complex oncologic emergencies.
- Develop a simplified approach to a complicated topic.
- Analyze difficult cases in hematology and oncology.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for the Emergency Provider
- Describe the mechanisms of action of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- Explore clinical scenarios where hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be curative or adjunctive.
- Discuss controversial uses of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- Difficult Airway: A Basic Problem-Solving Approach to the Difficult Intubation
- Discuss predictors of a difficult airway.
- Discuss strategies for creating a "Plan B" for difficult intubations.
- Use case-based discussions to reinforce understanding.
- Describe management of the failed airway.
- Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults and Children
- Develop treatment strategies for otitis media, sinusitis, and pneumonia.