14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™14 ACPE Credits
14.0 Contact Hours
In this conference we will highlight some updates in acute care medicine and we will delve into how to better manage difficult conversations around loaded topics like substance use, intimate partner violence, and mental health. In addition, we will introduce you to the cutting edge new field of Sex and Gender Based Medicine in which we will discuss how our biological sex and gender affects our physiology, pathophysiology and our response to different drugs and therapies. Studying men and women side by side allows us to optimize the care of both sexes. We hope you are able to join us for this definitely unique CME opportunity!
- The Opioid Epidemic: How we got here, how we move forward
- Describe the Magnitude of the Opioid Epidemic
- Explain Screening & Staging Techniques
- Summarize BRIEF ( SBIRT) Effective Counseling
- Their Blood Pressure was What? Who needs what , when and where?
- Recognize the parameters of blood pressures that need emergency treatment.
- Describe best practice treatment options for management of abnormal blood pressures.
- Updates in DVT & PE--ICU or Home
- Describe the use of validated criteria to measure risk of early mortality in venous thromboembolism.
- Classify parameters that make a patient with thromboembolism low or high risk.
- Differentiate and manage life threatening PEs vs appropriate discharge strategies.
- We've Got Your Back--a common sense approach to back pain
- List examples of the many medical causes of back pain.
- Identify 'red flags' for those etiologies of back pain that need emergency evaluation.
- Describe emergency treatment options for common causes of back pain.
- Beyond "clumsy" Recognizing and assisting victims of intimate partner violence
- Describe the magnitude of intimate partner violence
- Explain how to perform consistent and effective screening for domestic violence (DV) in Emergency care.
- Recognize history and physical exam findings that are consistent with patterns of abuse in clinical scenarios.
- List opportunities and successful methods for intervention and prevention
- Sex and Gender Medicine - What it is and why you should care
- Differentiate between the terms biological sex and gender and describe how both can impact patient emergent care
- Mind Games: Sex Based Differences in Mental Health
- Discuss the importance of including sex and gender in the clinical care of your patients with emergent psychiatric conditions.
- Evidence Based Medicine in Primary Care: What NOT to do!
- Disease Prevention Update Part 1: The Latest Guidelines and Recommendations
- Disease Prevention Update Part 2: The Latest Guidelines and Recommendations
- Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Update and Vertigo
- My Child Has a Rash
- Common Fungal Skin Infections: Can You Take a Look at This, Doc?
- Approach to the Surgical Abdomen