16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™16 ACPE Credits
16.0 Contact Hours
- Improving patient safety and optimizing outcomes
- Utilizing evidence-based medicine
- Importance of teamwork and communication
- Including multi-specialty and multi-disciplinary management. The successful incorporation of effective computer systems is vital, both for knowledge acquisition, patient management, and medical record keeping, in achieving superior outcomes, both for individual patients, but also for successful teams working together.
- Decreased use and more appropriate use of opioid pain medications
- Decreased use of medications in the elderly from the Beer's list (Do not use list)
- Patient safety advice for elderly
- Improvement in effective pre-travel evaluation and advice for international travelers
Medical Cannabis: Case Studies-to understand specific patient cases who have benefited from medical cannabis and how to identify patients who may benefit.
- Optimizing Results through Teamwork
- Apply the characteristics of successful teams and tools to build teamwork and improve outcomes
- Describe how teamwork can improve chronic disease metrics
- List and explain stages of team formation
- Preparing Your Patients for a Successful Transition to their Golden Years
- Improve the wellness of the elder patients seen
- Address preventive measures for elder patients
- Provide appropriate medication management for the elderly
- Improve communication strategies in discussing advance directives with patients
- Medical Error Reduction: Optimizing Outcomes and Patient Safety
- Discuss types of medical errors that can result in increased morbidity and mortality
- Minimize potential cognitive error risks to result in improved outcomes and patient safety
- Explain how diagnosis momentum can result in medical errors
- Travel Medicine: Prevention Goes International
- Discuss the scope of US travelers abroad
- Assess appropriately the medical risk to the traveler
- List commonly needed Immunizations for travelers
- Implement helpful travel preventative treatments
- Utilize travel medicine related website resources
- Optimizing Patient Safety- Appropriate Opioid Prescribing
- Appropriately evaluate a patient for Chronic Pain
- Utilize general guidelines for prescribing Controlled Substances / Opioids, including the new CDC guidelines
- Implement the use of multiple modalities in managing chronic pain
- Explain the added risks when prescribing opioids in excess of 100 mg/day Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME)
- Implement strategies to improve patient safety and compliance with guidelines in prescribing opioids and other Controlled Substances
- Why is Medical Cannabis an Important Consideration for Physicians?
- To understand the importance of medical cannabis for some of their patients
- How do Cannabinoids Work on the Human Body?
- To learn about the human endocannabinoid system
- What is the Evidence Supporting Medical Cannabis Use?
- There is emerging evidence supports the use of medical cannabis for some of our patients
- How Do You 'Authorize' Medical Cannabis?
- How is cannabis prescribed in Canada?
- Prevention and Treatment of Motion Sickness
- List 3 symptoms of motion sickness
- Describe the 3 types of behavioral interventions
- Recite 3 types of medications use for Motions Sickness
- Incidentaloma's How to approach these findings?
- Differentiate the different sites of incidentalomas
- Explain the work up for Thyroid , Pulmonary and Pituitary Incidentalomas
- List the 3 Red flags related to Thyroid, Pulmonary and Pituitary findings
- Hey Doc ! By the way :
Common OTC treatment of every day Dermatologic Problems In daily Practice
- Describe 3 most common skin complaints in the office setting
- List 3 over the counter treatments that are used for these skin conditions
- Common Knee and shoulder complaints in the office setting :
how to give injections to treat knee and shoulder complaints
- Demonstrate a rapid shoulder and knee exam List the contraindications to a steroid injection
- Use of the Medical Interpreter to maximize the office visit
- Describe at least 5 tips for using a medical interpreter
- List 3 Medical Interpreter Resources
- Explain at least 2 benefits of using a trained interpreter
- Current Guidelines on the evaluation of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
- Describe what constitutes and Abdomina Aortic Aneurysm
- List the 3 main risk factors for AAA
- Apply the screening requirements for AAA
- Efficacious use of antiemetics in the office setting
- List the 3 primary neurotransmitters involved in nausea and vomiting
- Discuss the 4 categories of antiemetics used in the ambulatory setting