14 Contact Hours
- Depression: is not a one size fits all diagnoses. Depression has many shades varying from atypical depression to seasonal affective. Upon completion of this session participants will be able to identify the signs and symptoms of each type of depression and the aligning treatment option.
- Bipolar disorder part I: Upon completion of this session participants should be able to be able to distinguish bipolar disorders from non-bipolar disorders using the Bipolarity Index.
- Bipolar disorder part II:Untreated or inappropriately treated bipolar depression adds to the burden of illness and is associated with a greater risk of suicide. Greater consideration must be given to the choice of treatment for different subgroups of patients with bipolar depression, including those with co-morbid anxiety, and substance use disorder. Upon completion of this course participants should be able to describe both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options for the client with bipolar disorder.
- The use of pharmacogenetic testing in the clinical practice setting has the potential to improve the safety and efficacy of drug therapy. Studies have revealed that providers lack knowledge about the topic of pharmacogenetics and are not prepared to implement it in the clinical setting. Upon completion of this session participants should be able to discuss the benefits and limitations of pharmacogenetic testing in clinical practice.
- Self-awareness is imperative in forming therapeutic relationships that foster improved clinical outcomes. Upon completion of this session participants should be able to describe the phases of relationship development and and identify the goals of the nurse client-relationship.
- .Veterans, military families, and service members with mental health needs continues to increase across civilian and federal healthcare services. Upon completion of this session participants should be able to describe the issues veterans face as they reintegrate into civilian life. Participants should also be able to identify specific demographics that make veterans at an increased risk for suicide.
- The psychiatric patient often presents with an array of medical conditions, often complicating their care. There is little information in the literature providing guidance on how to safely and effectively combine treatment for psychiatric client who is also medically compromised. Upon completion of the session the participant should be able to describe potential medication changes in the post gastric bypass client.
- Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology of Bone Healing
- Identify various components of musculoskeletal anatomy.
- Explain the mechanism of bone and fracture healing.
- Bone Health / Fracture Prevention - Avoiding the Revolving Door of Hospital to Home and Back Again
- Prepare an individualized fracture prevention program for each patient discharged to home.
- Specialized Nursing Care of the Osteoporotic Patient following a Fragility Fracture
- Give examples of assessment tools utilized to diagnose osteoporosis and predict the risk of future fragility fractures.
- Devise treatment regimens for fragility fracture patients.
- Advances in Trauma Care From the E.D. through Rehab
- Develop plans of care for patients that have experienced a variety of traumatic injuries.
- Orthopaedic Complications
- Recognize potentially serious orthopaedic complications.
- Prevention and Management of Sports Injuries
- Describe techniques used to prevent various types of sports injuries.
- Devise treatment regimens for athletes with a variety of sports injuries.
- Management of Pediatric Injuries - Avoiding Common Pitfalls
- Design care plans for pediatric patients with a variety of injuries.
- Degenerative joint disease: Conservative and surgical treatment options
- Summarize various conservative and surgical treatment options for patients with degenerative joint disease.
- Medical and surgical care of the rheumatoid arthritis patient. Acute and chronic spine issues
- Design a plan of care for the rheumatoid arthritis patient.
- Distinguish between various acute and chronic spine issues based on typical signs and symptoms.
- The 5 Faces of Depression
- Identify the different types of depression.
- Describe the unique treatment options for each of the depressive types.
- Bipolar is More than a Mood Swing- Part I
- Describe the steps to screening for bipolar disorder.
- Identify issues that may lead to a flawed diagnose in bipolar disorder.
- Recognize the co-morbid aspects of bipolar disorder
- Bipolar is More than a Mood Swing- Part II
- Describe pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder.
- Describe non-pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder.
- Identify the comorbid effects of bipolar.
- Identify the challenges in the management of bipolar disorder
- Genetic Testing: Fact or Science Fiction
- Describe the rational for implementing pharmacogenetic testing in practice.
- Identify the barriers to incorporating pharmacogenetic testing into clinical practice.
- Interviewing Techniques and Therapeutic Relationships in the the Mental Health Client.
- Discuss the importance of self-awareness in the nurse-client relationship
- Describe the phases of relationship development in the nurse-client relationship.
- Identify the goals of a nurse-client relationship
- Risk Factors Military Members and Their Families Face for Mental Health Disorders and Addiction
- Describe the three major components that make up military culture.
- Summarize the issues that veterans face as they reintegrate into civilian life
- Identify the barriers and challenges that may prevent a veteran or service member from seeking mental health or substance abuse treatment
- Describe circumferences and specific demographics that increase risk for suicide in Veterans
- Psychopharmacology: Prescribing Tips and Tricks in Unique Populations
- State how to select psychotropics in patients with complex medical issues
- Discuss the challenges of managing a diabetic client who requires atypical antipsychotics
- Describe necessary changes in psychotropic medications after gastric by pass.