21 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM21.0 Contact Hours
10% Early Course Registration Discount!
At the conclusion of the course, attendees should be able to:
- Identify and prevent the common causes of prescribing-related patient injury.
- Integrate satisfaction of patients and families with medication treatment.
- Recognize and protect patients' legal rights such as informed consent relating to medications.
- Recognize and comply with clinicians' legal responsibilities relating to medications.
- Integrate supervision by physicians of mid-level practitioners who prescribe or monitor medication therapy.
- Illustrate cooperation among members of the health care team relating to medications.
Prescribing Practices and Management of Chronic Pain and Substance Use Disorder
Course Overview:This course on prescribing practices and management of chronic pain and substance use disorder is an intensive 2½ day course designed for physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other clinicians in all specialties, who need or wish to increase their knowledge and ability to effectively prescribe and control medications while reducing the risk for abuse. This course is approved by the California Medical Board as meeting the coursework requirements of physician probation.
Research indicates that up to one third of the disciplinary actions taken by Medical Boards are related to physician misprescribing practices. Learn proper prescribing practices and how best to document prescriptions for controlled substances. Learn to avoid common pitfalls including: inappropriate dispensing of medications from physicianapos;s offices, prescribing large amounts of narcotics at frequent intervals, or prescribing to family members, friends, or a person with a known history of substance abuse.
This course has been developed to enhance the physician's ability to effectively prescribe controlled medications, while minimizing their misuse whenever possible.
Program Content:
- Proper indications for prescribing.
- Choosing the medication.
- Requirement of adequate prior examination.
- Identifying contra-indications before prescribing.
- Identifying potential medication interactions before prescribing.
- Non-prescription (over-the-counter) drugs and nutritional supplements.
- Herbal remedy interactions.
- Food interactions.
- Alcohol interactions.
- Pharmacokinetics.
- Pharmacodynamics.
- Dosing errors.
- Informed consent for medications.
- Instructions to patients on medications.
- Medication warnings for patients.
- Safe patient monitoring, and recognizing adverse reactions and therapeutic failure.
- Preventing, identifying and managing medication non-compliance.
- Collaborative (split) treatment.
- Terminating care of a patient on medication.
- Controlled substances prescribing requirements.
- Treating addicted patients.
- Drug-seeking patients.
- Substance-abusing patients.
- Fraudulent prescriptions.
- Prescribing excessive quantities of medications.
- Clinician storage and dispensing of controlled substances.
- Chronic pain diagnosis.
- Chronic pain medication treatment.
- Classes of medications associated with increased risk.
- Medications prescribed for psychoactive effects.
- Prescribing function-enhancing medications.
- Internet medication prescribing.
- Internet medication purchases by patients.
- Aiding and abetting of unlicensed practice.
- Prescribing by supervised nurse practitioners, naturopaths and physician assistants.
- Formulary conflicts.
- Acceptable off-label medication prescribing.
- Deviations from pharmaceutical manufacturers' recommendations.
- Sources of information for prescribing medications.
- Illegible, ambiguous and contradictory medication orders.
- Verbal orders, standing orders, PRN orders.
- Self-prescribing by clinicians.
- Prescribing for family members or friends.
- Common bases for actions by regulatory agencies relating to medications.