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Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm EST
Sat 10:00am-2:00pm EST

Continuing Education, Inc.
University at Sea
5700 4th St. N.
St Petersburg, Florida 33703
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Charitable Giving

Thanks to you, we are able to provide support to these and other charities doing on-the-ground, humanitarian work.
Stress Free - Our Cruise Conferences provide a unique, relaxing learning environment.
Family Friendly - Our cruises are fun for the entire family. You will never run out of things to do!

Comprehensive Addiction and Psychological Services

Relax, Rejuvenate & Network

7-Night Eastern Caribbean & CocoCay Cruise
Round-trip Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
October 21 - 28, 2023

This conference has already sailed, but that doesn't mean you have to miss the boat! Click here to see our complete schedule of upcoming programs.

Royal Caribbean's <em>Adventure of the Seas</em>
Royal Caribbean's Adventure of the Seas


16 CE Credits for Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, etc.


$320 for Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Social Workers, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers


Behavioral Health Professionals/Practitioners such as Psychologists, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Social Workers, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers


  1. Tele-Supervision: Ethical Practices in Clinical Supervision

      COVID and Post-COVID conditions have presented challenges for counselors-in-training and clinical supervisors. States have made various provisions to accommodate the profession while striving to maintain protective standards. Counselor educators and site supervisors work collaboratively to protect the integrity of the clinical experience and to provide opportunities for residents and counselors-in-training. This seminar will examine some of the challenges nation-wide and identify best practices. Ethical and legislative issues will be presented and include tele-supervision liabilities, limitations and also effectiveness.

  2. Key Clinical Factors and Considerations with Military and Veterans

      Military service members, their families, and veterans have unique needs that require a culturally competent approach to services and mental health treatment. Studies show that community providers are not as culturally competent with the military population as VA and DOD clinicians. With critical mental health access shortages in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Department of Defense (DOD), it is essential to increase the military population's access to timely and culturally competent mental health services. This 120-minute training will provide attendees with an overview of the cultural differences working with military versus civilian populations. We will delve into the key mental health factors that influence and correlate with the military service, such as military training and combat operations; substance use and misuse; suicide, family stressors and combat related stress and trauma. Training will wrap up with the examination of core interventions to enhance and augment treatment efficacy.

  3. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Individuals with PTSD and a Substance Use Disorder

      This workshop will provide an overview of the core concepts of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and discuss its applicability to dually diagnosed individuals with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Substance Use Disorders (SUD). Case examples and other practice applications of CBT techniques will acquaint participants with intervention strategies to help clients acquire more effective skills for managing co-occurring PTSD and SUDs.

  4. Don't Bleed On The Client: Intentional Self-Care

      This workshop is designed to enhance the work of mental health clinicians, practitioners, educators, ministry, and social services. To be the best clinician and educator you can be is a journey of skill development, insight enhancement, and self-awareness. With the lens of whole-person health care, we will explore personal areas of growth and awareness regarding implicit bias and its impact in the therapeutic milieu and the lives of our clients.

  5. Dream Work in Group Therapy: An Experiential Voyage

      Dreams has been acknowledged as meaningful to our existence and growth for centuries, and more recently as relevant tools used for research in fields such as psychology and neuroscience. Dreams are the brain's way of sorting through information. Studies about the ‘resting brain’ suggests it retrieves this information, digests, and learns from it in a "consequence free zone where the brain can practice social and behavioral strategies." In the 'gold standard ' book on dream interpretation the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, suggests that dreams are a road map to the unconscious. Other scholars suggest that dreams reflect a person’s innermost desires/struggles, and that our minds create images/stories to manage all this activity (Goldman). Integrating dreams in group therapy is a valuable tool for self-empowerment. For over 15 years, I have found Dream Work in group therapy to be a trauma-informed and creative way to engage participants looking to gain awareness and greater understanding for self-empowerment and change. In this experiential workshop, participants will review a dream and use an effective model to demonstrate how dreams can generate self-empowerment and behavior change by exploring possibilities in the face of ambivalence and self-doubt.

  6. Integrated Treatment: What? Why? and How?

      Substance disorders are linked with psychiatric or mental disorders and symptoms in ways that can include masking a mental illness which can keep a person from receiving appropriate and effective treatment. Many practitioners find it challenging to identify where a substance disorder stops and psychiatric disorder begins. What comes first, the chicken or the egg? This workshop will describe integrated treatment, its benefits and barriers, and how to utilize the integrated dual disorder treatment model in the treatment of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.


PLEASE NOTE: To attend the conference, participants must book their cruise accommodations through Continuing Education, Inc. This ensures we can provide full conference services and complimentary social amenities to meeting participants and guests. Participants' family and friends are welcome to book within our group allotment to take advantage of our typically excellent rates. Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!
BIAS FREE CME - No Commercial Support was provided for this CME activity.


Angele Moss-Baker, LPC, LMFT, MAC, SAP

Angele Moss-Baker, LPC, LMFT, MAC, SAP

Angele Moss-Baker, LPC, LMFT, MAC, SAP, is the founder of Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services LLC (CAPS). She is a licensed clinical mental health counselor with years of experience providing a broad spectrum of comprehensive, person-centered, integrated treatment to individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders in various treatment settings. CAPS specializes in developing and facilitating behavioral health training and clinical consultation to improve service delivery. Her interactive workshops are practical and engaging, offering valuable insights for behavioral health practitioners.

Philicia Jefferson, PhD, LPC

Philicia Jefferson, PhD, LPC

Dr. Jefferson holds a doctorate degree in counselor education from George Mason University. She is also a doctorate candidate at Logos University of Florida where she is completing the requirements for the Doctor of Ministry in Theological Studies. As a licensed clinical mental health counselor, she specializes in the effects of trauma on healthy development and relationships. She is also a Board Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator and holds the rank of Associate Professor at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary where she provides instruction in the preparation of Christian counselors. She is also the Founder of the National Christian Counselor Institute in Virginia where she welcomes individuals to engage in intensive weekends of training and collaboration.
Dr. Jefferson’s daughter, Charnita Allen, is a systems engineer and her late son Richard, was a career marine. She is married to Mr. Nathaniel Jones, a retired Federal Government Data Analyst.

Suzanne L. Walker, LCMHC

Suzanne L. Walker, LCMHC

Suzanne L. Walker, LCMHC holds a M.S. and C.A.S from the University at Albany (NY) in Counseling Psychology. She has specialized in trauma, addiction and co-occurring disorders, and retired from the Dept. of Army working with active duty military both stateside and overseas. Her experience in behavioral healthcare provision and management ranges from private practice clinics, county, state, and federal public government sectors. She is currently providing part-time Telehealth services.
Having served in both clinical provider, supervisor, and clinical director positions for over 38 years, Suzanne valued how to systems and multidisciplinary teams on a macro and micro levels enhance clinical processes and growth. Adapting to multiple military relocations, Suzanne’s breadth of work experience helped augment her knowledge and appreciation for all aspects of the clinical mental health counseling profession. Aside from practice, Suzanne has volunteered as committee chair and leadership positions in state and national counseling organizations with an ardent focus on advocacy for the profession and licensure as a standard requisite for clinical mental health counseling practice and the profession. Suzanne has been pleased to present on clinical counseling best practices working with the military and veteran populations, nonprofit strategic planning, and counselor advocacy. In retirement, Suzanne also enjoys travel, history, art, and going on adventures and exploring nature with her West Highland Terrier, Hamilton Barclay.

Omoronike Hamilton, LPC, NBCC

Omoronike Hamilton, LPC, NBCC

Omoronike Hamilton is co-founder of Heart and Soul Psychotherapy LLC. She was the clinical director of an intensive outpatient program for those with addiction disorders and co-occurring mental health issues in Washington DC for over 10 years. She is a licensed professional counselor with over 30 years of experience serving people in both the public and private health care sector. Ms. Hamilton has worked in Behavioral health settings (both inpatient and outpatient) here in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Over the years, she has been afforded the opportunity to cultivate a culture and treatment philosophy that is trauma informed and capable of recognizing the need for integrated treatment and a wide range of treatment modalities. Ms. Hamilton has developed and implemented co-occurring competency training for clinicians and presented at National conferences on various integrated behavioral health care topics to include trauma. She has utilized and trained clinical staff to use a variety of creative modalities to include dream work in both individual and group therapy. As a therapist in private practice, she continues to navigate pathways for people to access behavioral health care services that meets them where they are.

Darryl Moch, MEd

Darryl Moch, MEd

Darryl Moch is the founder of Innergy, Incorporated, a nonprofit community empowerment and faith-based organization working to eradicate poverty on all levels to improve quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre, Dance, and Psychology (Clinical Counseling); a Master of Education degree in Counseling; and a Master of Fine Arts in Theater from Alfred University. Darryl! is completing his doctorate in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Transformational Leadership. His passion and work is centered and rooted in social change, social justice, and equality for all people. Moch is a social entrepreneur, inspirational and motivational life coach, mental health specialist and master trainer. He currently provides consulting services and training in Mental Health in DC and MD and for nonprofits organizations providing DEI(B), Administrative, Leadership, Program, Community Engagement, and Development consulting. He has created and provides CARF accredited training and is a train-the-trainer on many DC Behavioral Health supported training.

Frances M. Christian, PhD, LCSW

Frances M. Christian, PhD, LCSW

Clinical Supervisor
VCU Department of Psychiatry, Division of Ambulatory Care Psychiatry, Richmond, VA
Consultant and Workshop Presenter
National Association of Social Workers, Virginia Chapter
Richmond, VA
Clinical Professor
VCU Department of Psychiatry, Richmond, VA

Frances M. Christian, Ph.D., LCSW, provides psychotherapy services to individuals, couples, and families as a private practitioner. She is a former full-time Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry faculty member who served as Director of Clinical Social Work and Co-Director of the Anxiety Disorders Specialty Clinic. She remains affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry as an external Clinical Professor supervising VCU psychiatry residents in providing psychotherapy services. She is a seasoned cognitive-behavioral therapist specializing in working with trauma survivors. She is past Chairman of the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Health Professions Board of Social Work and an active member of several professional organizations, including the Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (ABCT), The National Association of Social Workers (NASW,) and the National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW), International OCD Foundation and the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation (ISSTD), In 2013 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Social Workers, Virginia Chapter recognizing her as "someone who has been recognized beyond the social work profession”.


Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services, LLC (CAPS) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6918. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services, LLC (CAPS) is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services, LLC (CAPS), is a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, NAADAC Provider #137906. Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services, LLC (CAPS) is responsible for all aspects of its programing.

Accreditation: Continuing Education (CE) credits for psychologists are provided through the co-sponsorship of the American Psychological Association (APA) Office of Continuing Education in Psychology (CEP). The APA CEP Office maintains responsibility for the content of the programs.

Designation: As an organization approved by the American Psychological Association, Continuing Education, Inc. is offering this activity for a maximum of 16 hours of continuing education credit. Each psychologist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.


As a Jointly Accredited Organization, Continuing Education, Inc. is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved under this program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. Social workers completing this course receive 16 Clinical continuing education credits.

Does not apply to the following states/provinces: New Jersey, New York, Yukon Territories.


Sat Oct 21 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - 4:00 pm
Sun Oct 22 At Sea - Cruising
Meeting 8:00AM - 3:00PM*
- -
Mon Oct 23 At Sea - Cruising
Meeting 8:00AM - 3:00PM*
- -
Tue Oct 24 St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 8:00 am 5:00 pm
Wed Oct 25 Tortola, British Virgin Islands 7:00 am 3:00 pm
Thu Oct 26 At Sea - Cruising
Meeting 8:00AM - 2:00PM*
- -
Fri Oct 27 Coco Cay, Bahamas 9:30 am 5:00 pm
Sat Oct 28 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 7:00 am -
*Tentative course schedule, actual class times may differ.


Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - There is an abundance of things to see and do in the Ft. Lauderdale area: visit the newly redesigned Ft. Lauderdale Beach and cafes, stroll the historic Riverwalk, shop the luxurious stores on Las Olas Boulevard, or adventure to the Everglades for an intriguing air boat excursion.

At Sea - Cruising - Cruising

St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands - St. Croix, the largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is a tropical dreamland complete with stunning beaches, clear aqua-blue ocean water, a small rain forest and rolling green hillsides. The Danes purchased St. Croix in the 1700s at which time the slave trade and sugar cane fields thrived. Today, the Danish influence is still apparent in the island's architecture and language. Most of the sugar mills lie in ruins. Yet you can still get a taste of the island's history in freshly squeezed sugar cane juice or Cruzan Rum.

Tortola, British Virgin Islands -  Besides being one of the most scenic islands in the Caribbean, Tortola also has a fascinating cultural and historical side. For a glimpse into the island’s colonial past, visit the Virgin Islands Folk Museum. The restored house was once the family home of shipwright, Joseph Wilfred Penn and features a deep collection of Arawak and Carib pottery and stone tools, as well as plantation artifacts. Hike along the seven available walking trails in Sage Mountain National Park for stunning panoramic views of the island and the surrounding natural habitat. Snorkeling in the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea and a rum tasting at Callwood Rum Distillery are essential on a cruise to Tortola. Sample the delicious curries, spicy soups, and sumptuous shellfish dishes available in abundance at local restaurants and many snack shacks around the island.

Coco Cay, Bahamas - Located in the middle of the Caribbean's bright blue water lies the secluded island of CocoCay. With its white-sand beaches and spectacular surroundings, CocoCay is a wonderland of adventure. Reserved exclusively for Royal Caribbean guests, this tropical paradise has recently been updated with new aquatic facilities, nature trails and a ton of great places to just sit back, relax and enjoy a tropical drink.

CocoCay Map

Perfect Day at CocoCay

Royal Caribbean's Adventure of the Seas

PLEASE NOTE: To attend the conference, participants must book their cruise accommodations through Continuing Education, Inc. This ensures we can provide full conference services and complimentary social amenities to meeting participants and guests. Participants' family and friends are welcome to book within our group allotment to take advantage of our typically excellent rates. Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you aboard!

Request a Quote online or by voice at 800-422-0711 (US/Can) or direct/int'l tel: +1-727-526-1571.

Prices below are for the full cruise including meals and evening entertainment


Junior Suite with Balcony, J4 Junior Suite with Balcony (J4)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa and bathroom with tub. Stateroom: 277 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Grand Suite - 1 Bedroom, GS Suite/Deluxe Grand Suite - 1 Bedroom (GS)
Marble entry. Room has two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with double sofa bed and bathroom with tub. Stateroom: 381 sq. ft. Balcony: 95 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Grand Suite - 2 Bedrooms, GT Suite/Deluxe Grand Suite - 2 Bedrooms (GT)
Two bedrooms with two twin beds that convert to Royal King (one room with third and fourth Pullman beds), balcony, two bathrooms (one with tub) and living area with double sofa bed. Stateroom: 610 sq. ft. Balcony: 234 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Junior Suite with Balcony, J3 Suite/Deluxe Junior Suite with Balcony (J3)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa and bathroom with tub. Stateroom: 277 sq. ft. Balcony: 50 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Owner's Suite - 1 Bedroom, OS Suite/Deluxe Owner's Suite - 1 Bedroom (OS)
Marble entry with door bell. Queen-size bed, bathroom with tub. Separate living area with a queen-size sofa bed. Stateroom: 506 sq. ft. Balcony: 64 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Royal Suite with Balcony, RS Suite/Deluxe Royal Suite with Balcony (RS)
Grand entrance with doorbell. Bedroom with king-size bed, and private bathroom with tub, private balcony with whirlpool, living room with queen-size sofa bed and baby grand piano. Stateroom: 1,188 sq. ft. Balcony 170 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview Panoramic Suite (No Balcony), VP Suite/Deluxe Oceanview Panoramic Suite (No Balcony) (VP)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King. Curtained section with bunk beds. Living area with double sofa bed, vanity and sitting area. One and a half baths with shower. Floor to ceiling wrap around panoramic windows. Stateroom: 406 sq. ft.
for Pricing


Oceanview with Balcony, 2D Oceanview with Balcony (2D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Oceanview with Balcony, 4D Oceanview with Balcony (4D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Spacious Oceanview with Balcony, 1B Balcony Spacious Oceanview with Balcony (1B)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 188 sq. ft. Balcony: 42 sq. ft
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 1D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (1D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview with Balcony, 2B Balcony Spacious Oceanview with Balcony (2B)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 188 sq. ft. Balcony: 42 sq. ft
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview with Balcony, 3B Balcony Spacious Oceanview with Balcony (3B)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 188 sq. ft. Balcony: 42 sq. ft
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 3D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (3D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview with Balcony, 4B Balcony Spacious Oceanview with Balcony (4B)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 188 sq. ft. Balcony: 42 sq. ft
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 5D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (5D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview with Balcony, 6B Balcony Spacious Oceanview with Balcony (6B)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, private balcony, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 188 sq. ft. Balcony: 42 sq. ft
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 6D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (6D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview with Balcony, 7D Balcony Oceanview with Balcony (7D)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, private balcony and bathroom. Stateroom: 162 sq. ft. Balcony: 46 sq. ft.
for Pricing


Oceanview Stateroom, 2N Oceanview Stateroom (2N)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King and private bathroom. Stateroom: 161 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Ultra Spacious Oceanview, 1K Outside Ultra Spacious Oceanview (1K)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, two Pullman beds in separate area, separate sitting area with sofa bed and bathroom. Stateroom: 328 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Panoramic Oceanview, 1L Outside Spacious Panoramic Oceanview (1L)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King with an open bed frame. Double sofa bed. Wider entry door. Turning spaces. Lowered vanity with sitting area, closet rods and safe. Private bathroom with a wider door, roll-in shower, grab bars, fold-down shower seat, raised toilet and a lowered sink. Floor to ceiling wrap around panoramic window. Stateroom: 191 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview, 1M Outside Spacious Oceanview (1M)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 211 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 1N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (1N)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King and private bathroom. Stateroom: 161 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 3N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (3N)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King and private bathroom. Stateroom: 161 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Spacious Oceanview, 4M Outside Spacious Oceanview (4M)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King, sitting area with sofa, vanity area and bathroom. Stateroom: 211 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Oceanview Stateroom, 8N Outside Oceanview Stateroom (8N)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King and private bathroom. Stateroom: 161 sq. ft.
for Pricing


Interior Stateroom, 4V Interior Stateroom (4V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King sitting area with sofa, vanity area, and bathroom. Stateroom: 151 sq. ft. 
Call: 800-422-0711
and we'll find the best value for you.
Promenade View Interior, 1T Inside Promenade View Interior (1T)
A view of the Royal Promenade with bowed windows, two twin beds that convert to Royal King and private bathroom. Stateroom: 167 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 1V Inside Interior Stateroom (1V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King sitting area with sofa, vanity area, and bathroom. Stateroom: 151 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 2V Inside Interior Stateroom (2V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King sitting area with sofa, vanity area, and bathroom. Stateroom: 151 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Studio Interior, 2W Inside Studio Interior (2W)
One twin bed, vanity area, and bathroom. (106 sq. ft.) Accommodates 1 guest. Stateroom: 106 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 3V Inside Interior Stateroom (3V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King sitting area with sofa, vanity area, and bathroom. Stateroom: 151 sq. ft.
for Pricing
Interior Stateroom, 6V Inside Interior Stateroom (6V)
Two twin beds that convert to Royal King sitting area with sofa, vanity area, and bathroom. Stateroom: 151 sq. ft.
for Pricing

Because this program is sailing soon, full payment of the fare is due at time of booking.

3rd/4th in Stateroom - Please call to secure the best possible pricing

Cruise pricing is presented per person, based double occupancy of the stateroom, following industry practice. Pricing presented above is listed accordingly to allow easy comparison for the stateroom categories displayed. Our agents always provide 'total cost' pricing disclosing all particulars before you make any commitment.

COMPETITIVE PRICING PROMISE: We will match any price currently offered by the cruise line; this promise includes their short-term, promotional rates. As a value-added organizer of meetings at sea, however, we do not seek to compete with 'cruise discounters,' 'travel clubs,' or 'distressed inventory' sales operations.
PRICING SUBJECT TO CHANGE: Fares displayed above are subject to availabilty and to change until reserved with a deposit or full payment. While the fares listed can sell out (i.e. are "subject to availability"), they generally remain available until 90 days before sailing, at which time they convert to typically higher, market rates. Market Rates offered directly by the cruise line and quoted by our agents are also subject to availability and to change at any time prior to depositing on your stateroom. Those rates are capacity and revenue controlled and can be withdrawn without notice.
CANCELLATION PENALTY POLICY WILL APPLY: We recommend Travel Insurance to protect your investment from unexpected, late cancellations.
Cruise Cancellation Policy:Late Cancellation policies vary by cruise line, itinerary and length of cruise. When reserving your stateroom, please congirm the policy applicable to this cruise with one of our agents.
Course Fee Cancellation Policy: 30+ days before sailing date - 75% Refund ; 7-29 days before sailing date - 50% Refund; Less than 7 days before sailing date - No Refund
FUEL SUPPLEMENT: During periods of unusual oil price volatility, cruiselines may implement a fuel surcharge at any time prior to sailing.

Chubb Travel Protection Overview

Please note, this insurance protection is available to the residents of the United States only,
that coverage limits are per person and that limits can vary by State.

Standard Plan Benefits Travel Basics Travel Essentials Travel Choice
Trip Cancellation 100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption 100% of Trip Costs
($100,000 maximum)
150% of Trip Costs
($150,000 maximum)
150% of Trip Costs
($150,000 maximum)
Trip Interruption - Return Air Only $500 $750 $1,000
Trip Delay $500 ($100 per day) $750 ($150 per day) $1,000 ($200 per day)
Missed Connection NA $250 $500
Baggage & Personal Effects $750 ($50 deductible) $1,000 $2,500
Baggage Delay $200 $300 $500
Accident & Sickness Medical Expense* $15,000 ($50 deductible) $25,000 $50,000
Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains $150,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment NA $10,000 $50,000
Assistance Services Included Included Included
Additional Benefits (if purchased within 15 days of Initial Trip Payment; Day 1 is the date the Intial Trip Payment is made)
Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver Included Included Included
Trip Cancellation/ Interruption due to Financial Default Included Included Included
Accident Sickness Medical Expense Excess Coverage Primary Coverage Primary Coverage
Baggage & Personal Effects Excess Coverage Excess Coverage Primary Coverage
Flight Accident $25,000 $50,000 NA
Missed Connection NA Additional $250 Included in base plan
Optional Benefits (if selected byt the Applicant and required premium is paid)
Medical Coverage Upgrade Included in base plan Included in base plan Additional $50,000
including Emergency Evacuation* Additional $150,000 Additional $500,000 Included in base plan
Car Rental Collision Coverage $35,000 ($250 Deductible) $35,000 ($250 Deductible) $35,000 ($250 Deductible)
Flight Accident Amount selected up to $500,000 Amount selected up to $500,000 NA
*Coverage, pricing and availability may vary by state
*Additional Benefits change not available for CA, CO, KS, MN, MO, MT, NH, NY, PA, TX or WA residents at this time.

Call us at 800.422.0711 (US & Canada)
Or +1-727-526-1571
We can assist you with all your travel arrangements. We'd be happy to help you plan your flights, hotels or tours before and/or after your cruise conference.

Contact Our Travel Agents to Book Now.

800.422.0711 Email Us