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Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:00pm EST
Sat 10:00am-2:00pm EST

Continuing Education, Inc.
University at Sea
5700 4th St. N.
St Petersburg, Florida 33703
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Program Speaker

George D. Harris, MD, MS

Dr. Harris received his Doctorate of Medicine from the University Of Mississippi School Of Medicine in 1982 and completed a three-year residency in the Department of Family Medicine through the University of Florida and Jacksonville Health Education Program in 1985. He was in solo medical practice for 12 years prior to entering academic medicine from 1997-2019. From 2020 -2022, he returned to general medical practice in Gastonia, North Carolina prior to transitioning to volunteer medical services at Shelter Health Services in Charlotte, NC for victims of domestic violence, children and the homeless.

Dr. Harris has lectured at national, state, and local meetings since 1997 on various topics in sports medicine, exercise testing, diabetes, women's health topics and cardiovascular disease.

He was active at the state and national level for the specialty of family medicine. He served on multiple committees for the Florida Academy of Family Physicians (FAFP), before serving two terms on their Board of Directors and the officer level, becoming President of FAFP in 2000. He was the first recipient of the FAFP Young Leader Award. He also served on the Missouri Board of Family Physicians during his time in Missouri.

He was awarded an honorary member of the Mortar Board National Honor Society in 2012. He was named to "Kansas City Super Doctors" for 2007- 2013. He was listed in the Consumers' Research Council of America "Guide to America's Top Family Doctors" for 2006.

Dr. Harris was appointed to the Society of Teachers for Family Medicine (STFM) National Clerkship Curriculum Editorial Board and served for four years. He is a member of the National Board of Medical Examiners Family Medicine Task Force and is an AMSSM Fellowship In-training Item Exam Writer.

He was a member of The Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry (ACTPCMD) of the Health Resources and Services Administration; appointed by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services. Dr. Harris was appointed by previous Florida governor, Jeb Bush to the State of Florida Medicaid Pharmacy and Therapeutics Commission.

Dr. Harris holds the position of Fellow, in both the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. He is a member of the South Carolina Academy of Family Physicians.

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